TSLab API Docs  1
TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane:
TSLab.Script.IBaseChartPane< IGraphListBase >

Public Member Functions

void UpdatePrecision (PaneSides side, int value)
void SetByPercents (PaneSides side, bool value)
IReadOnlyCollection< ILightInteractiveGraphListGetLightInteractiveGraphLists ()
IReadOnlyCollection< IInteractiveGraphListGetInteractiveGraphLists ()
ILightInteractiveGraphList AddList (string id, string caption, IList< double > candles, ListStyles listStyle, Color color, LineStyles lineStyle, PaneSides side)
 Shows new double values list in the pane list id list caption list values list style (Line, histogram, etc) list color the style of the list line the pane side
ILightInteractiveGraphList AddList (string id, string caption, IList< Double2 > candles, ListStyles listStyle, Color color, LineStyles lineStyle, PaneSides side)
 Shows new double values list in the pane list id list caption list values list style (Line, histogram, etc) list color the style of the list line the pane side
IInteractiveGraphList AddList (string id, string caption, InteractiveSeries obj, ListStyles listStyle, Color color, LineStyles lineStyle, PaneSides side, Color anchorColor, DragableMode anchorDragableMode, Geometries anchorGeometry, bool anchorIsActive, Color controlPoint1Color, DragableMode controlPoint1DragableMode, Geometries controlPoint1Geometry, bool controlPoint1IsActive, Color controlPoint2Color, DragableMode controlPoint2DragableMode, Geometries controlPoint2Geometry, bool controlPoint2IsActive)
 Shows new double values list in the pane list id list caption smile object list style (Line, histogram, etc) list color the style of the list line the pane side
IInteractiveGraphList AddList (string id, string caption, InteractiveSeries obj, ListStyles listStyle, Color color, LineStyles lineStyle, PaneSides side, LabelHorizontalAlignment anchorLabelHorizontalAlignment, LabelVerticalAlignment anchorLabelVerticalAlignment, AlphaColor anchorColor, AlphaColor anchorLabelForeColor, AlphaColor anchorLabelBackColor, AlphaColor anchorLabelBorderColor, DragableMode anchorDragableMode, Geometries anchorGeometry, double anchorSize, bool anchorIsActive, LabelHorizontalAlignment controlPoint1LabelHorizontalAlignment, LabelVerticalAlignment controlPoint1LabelVerticalAlignment, AlphaColor controlPoint1Color, AlphaColor controlPoint1LabelForeColor, AlphaColor controlPoint1LabelBackColor, AlphaColor controlPoint1LabelBorderColor, DragableMode controlPoint1DragableMode, Geometries controlPoint1Geometry, double controlPoint1Size, bool controlPoint1IsActive, LabelHorizontalAlignment controlPoint2LabelHorizontalAlignment, LabelVerticalAlignment controlPoint2LabelVerticalAlignment, AlphaColor controlPoint2Color, AlphaColor controlPoint2LabelForeColor, AlphaColor controlPoint2LabelBackColor, AlphaColor controlPoint2LabelBorderColor, DragableMode controlPoint2DragableMode, Geometries controlPoint2Geometry, double controlPoint2Size, bool controlPoint2IsActive)
 Shows new double values list in the pane list id list caption smile object list style (Line, histogram, etc) list color the style of the list line the pane side
IInteractiveGraphList AddList (string id, string caption, InteractiveSeries obj, ListStyles listStyle, Color color, LineStyles lineStyle, PaneSides side, PointParameters anchor, PointParameters controlPoint1, PointParameters controlPoint2)
 Shows new double values list in the pane list id list caption smile object list style (Line, histogram, etc) list color the style of the list line the pane side
ICanvasTradeStatisticsGraphList AddList (string id, string caption, IBaseTradeStatisticsWithKind tradeStatistics, Color color, PaneSides side)


double ScaleStepPercent [get, set]
 Шаг масштабирования, % More...
double GraphIndentPercent [get, set]
 Отступ графика, % More...
bool Dockability [get, set]
int XAxisPrecision [get, set]
bool XAxisByPercents [get, set]
double XAxisStep [get, set]
 Шаг значений по оси X More...
double XAxisDiviser [get, set]
 Делитель значений по оси X More...
bool XAxisLineIsVisible [get, set]
AlphaColor XAxisLineColor [get, set]
LineStyles XAxisLineStyle [get, set]
double XAxisLinePosition [get, set]
int YAxisPrecision [get, set]
 Точность отображения значений по оси Y (количество знаков после запятой) More...
bool YAxisByPercents [get, set]
 Ось Y показывать в процентах (то есть все значения по оси Y показывать умноженными на 100) More...
double YAxisStep [get, set]
 Шаг значений по оси Y More...
double YAxisDiviser [get, set]
 Делитель значений по оси Y More...
bool YAxisLineIsVisible [get, set]
AlphaColor YAxisLineColor [get, set]
LineStyles YAxisLineStyle [get, set]
double YAxisLinePosition [get, set]
Border Border [get, set]
double BorderX1 [get, set]
double BorderX2 [get, set]
double BorderY1 [get, set]
double BorderY2 [get, set]
Border Border2 [get, set]
double Border2X1 [get, set]
double Border2X2 [get, set]
double Border2Y1 [get, set]
double Border2Y2 [get, set]
bool FeetToBorder2 [get, set]
bool FeetToBorder2ByDefault [get, set]
Border ValidBorder [get, set]
double ValidBorderX1 [get, set]
double ValidBorderX2 [get, set]
double ValidBorderY1 [get, set]
double ValidBorderY2 [get, set]
ValidBorderMode ValidBorderMode [get, set]

Property Documentation

double TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.GraphIndentPercent

Отступ графика, %

double TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.ScaleStepPercent

Шаг масштабирования, %

double TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.XAxisDiviser

Делитель значений по оси X

double TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.XAxisStep

Шаг значений по оси X

bool TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.YAxisByPercents

Ось Y показывать в процентах (то есть все значения по оси Y показывать умноженными на 100)

double TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.YAxisDiviser

Делитель значений по оси Y

int TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.YAxisPrecision

Точность отображения значений по оси Y (количество знаков после запятой)

double TSLab.Script.CanvasPane.ICanvasPane.YAxisStep

Шаг значений по оси Y