IList< Double2 > | GetData (string handlerName, string[] parameters, CacheObjectMaker< IList< Double2 >> maker) |
| Get/Generate some Double2 stored data from cache handler name handler parameters data generator data
IList< double > | GetData (string handlerName, string[] parameters, CacheObjectMaker< IList< double >> maker) |
| Get/Generate some double stored data from cache handler name handler parameters data generator data
IList< bool > | GetData (string handlerName, string[] parameters, CacheObjectMaker< IList< bool >> maker) |
| Get/Generate some boolean stored data from cache handler name handler parameters data generator data
IList< int > | GetData (string handlerName, string[] parameters, CacheObjectMaker< IList< int >> maker) |
| Get/Generate some int stored data from cache handler name handler parameters data generator data
ITradesCache | GetTradesCache (ISecurity security) |
ITradeStatistics | GetTradeStatistics (string id, Func< ITradeStatistics > maker) |
| get trade statistics identifier maker trade statistics
ILastContractsTradeStatistics | GetLastContractsTradeStatistics (string id, Func< ILastContractsTradeStatistics > maker) |
| get last contracts trade statistics identifier maker last contracts trade statistics
new void | StoreObject (string key, object data, bool toStorage=false) |
| Store object from the cache the key the object use the permanent storage (disk drive)
new object | LoadObject (string key, bool fromStorage=false) |
| Load object from the cache the key the object or null gets from the permanent storage (disk drive)
new T | LoadObject< T > (string key, CacheObjectMaker< T > maker, bool fromStorage=false) |
| Load object from the cache the key data generator the object or null gets from the permanent storage (disk drive)
new void | AddUnremovableInteractiveObjectId (string id) |
| add unremovable interactive object identifier identifier
new bool | ContainsUnremovableInteractiveObjectId (string id) |
| contains unremovable interactive object identifier identifier
new bool | ContainsGhostInteractiveObjectId (string id) |
| contains ghost interactive object identifier identifier
new bool | RemoveGhostInteractiveObjectId (string id) |
| remove the ghost interactive object identifier identifier
void | StoreGlobalObject (string key, object data, bool toStorage=false) |
| Store object from the global cache the key the object use the permanent storage (disk drive)
object | LoadGlobalObject (string key, bool fromStorage=false) |
| Load object from the global cache the key the object or null gets from the permanent storage (disk drive)
T | LoadGlobalObject< T > (string key, CacheObjectMaker< T > maker, bool fromStorage=false) |
| Load object from the global cache the key data generator the object or null gets from the permanent storage (disk drive)
void | Log (string text, Color color) |
| Add new message to log window the message text the message color (Obsolete)
void | Log (string text, Color color, bool toMessageWindow) |
| Add new message to log window the message text the message color (Obsolete) print to message window
void | Log (string text, Color color, bool toMessageWindow, IDictionary< string, object > context) |
| Add new message to log window the message text the message color (Obsolete) print to message window message context
void | Log (string text, MessageType type=MessageType.Info, bool toMessageWindow=false, IDictionary< string, object > context=null) |
| Add new message to log window the message text the message type (priority) print to message window message context
void | ClearLog () |
| Clear the script|agent log window
IWindow | AddWindow (string name, string title) |
| Add new window More...
void | Recalc () |
| Initiate the script recalculation. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from TSLab.Script.Handlers.IWindow |
IGraphPane | CreatePane (string title, double sizePct, bool hideLegend, bool addToTop=false) |
| Create new graph pane pane name pane size true if legend should be hided add to top or bottom
IGraphPane | CreateGraphPane (string name, string title, bool addToTop=false) |
| Create new graph pane pane name pane title add to top or bottom
ICanvasPane | CreateCanvasPane (string name, string title, bool addToTop=false) |
| Create new canvas pane pane name pane title add to top or bottom
IControlPane | CreateControlPane (string id, string name, string title, bool addToTop=false) |
| Create new control pane pane id pane name pane title add to top or bottom
IDataGridPane | CreateDataGridPane (string name, string title, int displayIndexValueX, string formatValueX, string headerValueX, bool isVisibleValueX, TextAlignment textAlignmentValueX, int?widthValueX, int displayIndexDateTime, string formatDateTime, string headerDateTime, bool isVisibleDateTime, TextAlignment textAlignmentDateTime, int?widthDateTime, bool addToTop=false) |
| Create new canvas pane pane name pane title display index value x format value x header value x is visible value x text alignment value x width value x display index date-time format date-time header date-time is visible date-time text alignment date-time width date-time add to top or bottom
Public Member Functions inherited from TSLab.Script.Handlers.IBaseChartPaneContext |
double | GetGraphPaneSize (string graphPaneName) |
| get graph pane size graph pane name graph pane size
void | SetGraphPaneSize (string graphPaneName, double value) |
| set graph pane size graph pane name value
Public Member Functions inherited from TSLab.Script.Handlers.IMemoryContext |
T[] | GetArray< T > (int count) |
void | ReleaseArray (Array array) |